To solve the current special research misunderstood Schabernback Inpokémon Go, you have to make snapshots of wild psycho monsters. We from Meinmmo have viewed us how that works and show you.
What kind of task is it? On the 1st of September 2021, the new season started in Pokémon Go. There is also a special research called misunderstood Schabernback. This special research involves a task in which you should make three snapshots of Wild Psycho-Pokémon.
But how do you have to make these snapshots so they are considered and which monsters come into question? We show it to you.
Snapshot of Wild Pokémon - this is how it works
In order to photograph a Pokémon in the wild, you have to go to the fishing mode. There you can see a camera on the upper edge of the picture. On this icon you click and it opens as to see the picture below, a photo view.
Here you have the opportunity to make snapshots over the photo icon on the lower edge of the picture. If you are satisfied with your picture, then you can confirm it with the check mark on the lower right side, otherwise you can delete it by the Reclaimed Clock icon.
In both cases you come back to your photo view and can make more pictures. If you are done with it, then just click on the arrow at the lower left edge of the picture and thus gets back to the fishing mask. Then you have the opportunity to catch your Pokémon.
You do not necessarily have to photograph only monsters out of the wilderness to solve the task. It is just as possible to defeat a Pokémon in RAID and make a snapshot before catching.
ATTENTION : The solving of the task for special research misunderstood Schabernback is only possible on this way. The photographing of an already prisoner monster or your buddy does not work unfortunately.
Tip: So you do not have to look for three different monsters, we have a helpful tip for you. It is sufficient if you click on one of these required psycho-Pokémon and photographed three times in a row. About the photo view are as many pictures possible. If it has worked, the task is briefly displayed at the lower right frame edge with the corresponding number of completed snapshots briefly.
You need psycho-Pokémon
But not only on the snapshot of a wild monster, it depends on it, but also on the right Pokémon. When completing the task, so you should not photograph any Pokémon, but it must be monster of the type of psycho. From this type, among other things, the following Pokémon is more common in the wilderness:
- Flegmon
- Mollimorba (in the city)
In the RAIDS is currently also Pokémon of the Psycho type, such as Fleknoil in the Level 1 RAIDs. So seek appropriate monsters from this type and photograph them as described above. Then the release of special research should not be a problem for you.
By the way: ** Whether the respective Pokémon is one of the type of psycho, you can also recognize when opening the fishing mask. There, the respective type is displayed for a short time above the monster. So you see there a red circle with a white cingel, then it is a psycho-Pokémon.
More about Pokémon Go:
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Which Pokémon have you photographed for solving the task? And how do you find the special research misunderstood Schabernback around Hoopa? Write us your opinion here on Meinmmo in the comments.
In addition, numerous shinys and bonuses await you during the season of the Schabernback. We looked at these and show you to which monsters and special features you can look forward to in the coming weeks.
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