Voltron: Legendary Protector is a computer animated mecha streaming television collection generated by American business DreamWorks Animation Tv as well as Globe Events Productions and animated by South Korean studio Mir. It is a reboot of the Voltron franchise as well as the Japanese anime series Beast King GoLion, as well as its animation is a mix of anime-influenced typical animation for characters as well as background as well as CGI for Voltron activity series. Voltron: Legendary Defender is established in a science fiction cosmos where worldly power called quintessence can be used to power cars as well as magic. The collection complies with the adventures of the Paladins of Voltron who should discover to collaborate to form the giant robot Voltron and use it to defeat the bad Galra Empire. The initial season premiered on Netflix on June 10, 2016, and also contained 11 episodes. The series had a 76-episode dedication from Netflix. It has actually been launched worldwide in USA, Ca