Korthia, the Zone of the Shadowlands, which we will enter with Wow Patch 9.1 for the first time, waits with various secrets and special activities. Hard-working players can unlock a number of new mounts there, including a purple splitter fur called Darkmaul. To get this riding, but you must first go for a few days in Korthia on mushroom hunting.
Feeds Darkmaul so he connects you
Specifically, the whole thing works as follows: Darkmaul, who stays in a cave in the north part of Korthia, has hungry. You can breastfeed this hunger by bringing him mushrooms to eat, more specifically Tasty Mawshrooms. You get these fungi by interacting with the invasive mawshrooms that you can find everywhere in Korthia.
To get to the mushrooms, you often have to complete smaller skid tubes and climb trees or large skeletal structures. Having a Tasty Mawshroom, you just bring it to Darkmaul to feed him with it. Then he lets you ride for two minutes on his back. WOW: Patch 9.1 - Get Darkmaul, a splitter-fur mount of Korthia (Tip) (1) Source: Wowhead So that your Darkmaul gets, but actually gets Mount, you have to repeat this procedure a few times. The current test server build suggests that you feed the splittering coat a total of six times each with a Tasty Mawshroom, before it is permanently available as a riding. It remains unclear whether you can collect and feed more than a Tasty Mawshroom per day as soon as patch 9.1 appears on the live servers. But we assume that this will not be the case and darken into the group of other mounts from chains of rule, for whom you have to repeat a short week a certain activity.
Source: Wowhead
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