These 20 tips and tricks are supposed to unravel the gameplay flourishes of Death Stranding and make the first play lessons as pleasant as possible. For Kojima s parcel-adventure is an idiosyncratic game. And just because of this idealness, Death Stranding can be a bit confusing and overwhelming at the beginning.
Last update on September 24, 2021 : For the occasion of the releases of the Director s Cut version on PS5, we present you again the most important Death Stranding tips to get started.
As the Director s Cut fails, editor Hannes finds out in its own article for you.
1. You can not deliver all packages you find!
As soon as you are in the game world, you will notice that lost freight lies around everywhere. If you want, you can collect and deliver these packages. But there are always new packages that a clean up of the region is not possible.
2 . Uses the mailboxes!
Any cargo you collect has an addressee and if you are on the way in this direction anyway, you can also deliver the packages to personally. As a rule, however, the lost cargo will always send you in different directions at the same time - a true sisyphoo work.
But you can simply deposit the packages in mailboxes that can find them on the way or even construct themselves. Even if the package does not come to the goal, you will still receive about half of the possible likes on average.
Since this is much faster than actually become imaginable everywhere, the mailboxes are the much more efficient way.
3 . Always have Tck modules!
As soon as you get the opportunity to place your own constructions in the game world with the TCK module, you should make use of it regularly. In the beginning it is mainly the mailboxes that will make life easier (and other players). Later, for example, the electric generators are added, which are important for a series of equipment.
Nothing is more frustrating than having a packed back, but no Tck to make a mailbox to tinker.
4 . Plant your ways on the map and notice you for the way back!
In Death Stranding you will be very often traveling on rough terrain. Since it can already be a true challenge, at all a way to find a goal. But as soon as you have this, you should mark him on the map with waypoints. You will have to go the same paths more often.
So do not think in unique paths, but in permanent delivery routes and adds these routes with relief such as ladders, ropes and so on. You will be grateful for it.
5 . Always have a ladder!
Even if you take a lot of space, you should always have a series of ladders. Although ropes can never hurt, but above all the ladders who can achieve protrusions, as well as rivers and abysses overcome. For the creation of convenient routes, ladders are indispensable in the first lessons.
6 . Go direct paths for more Likes !
In Death Stranding, the way is always recorded, which you returned in the game world. And these ways are also taken into account in the settlement of deliveries. The longer your detours are, the lower the reward is out. Climbing with a ladder over the river instead of leaving him to complete the flatter water, is becoming more efficient.
That s why it can also be wise not to complete too many deliveries at once. Because for the package that you can deliver as last, it will hardly give points because you are already waiting for tens of different places.
7 . Always have spare boots!
Even though it seems yet - the Bridges boots from Sam do not hold forever. Later, you will also make longer, much more exhausting supply tours and then it can happen quickly that you only have rags on your feet. So make yourself about replacement thoughts and pack at least a second pair of shoes.
And for the emergency, it can never hurt to collect the sandal s herdrum, which in the case of the fall - the name says it - can serve as a makeshift footwear.
8th. The automatic arrangement of the freight reaches (almost always)!
The freight management can initially be a bit confusing and convey the impression, as if we had to stack the packages every time several minutes we have. But do not worry - the automatic arrangement (a pressure on the triangle button) is completely sufficient.
As a result, the heavy packets are packed downwards so that the focus is not too high above. In addition, freight, which is attached to the suit, is distributed evenly on both sides. In this way, your balance with the balance can be quickly and easily remedy.
But fits on when it comes to special cargo. For example, if you deliver a pizza, you must make sure that it is horizontal and that will not be considered by the automatic arrangement.
9 . The load sail is the best thing that will happen to you!
After some time, you will get access to the so-called load sailder and that is very useful in double terms. Off the time of the obvious relief in terms of weight outlets, you can also use the dipper as a kind of skateboard. Easy to set up, buckles and on top, but you can slide down stows slopes quickly and safely.
So best always have a load passport, even if you may not necessarily need him for the current delivery.
10 . Always have a series of blood bags!
The amount of blood from Sam acts in Death Stranding as your lifeboards. As soon as you have lost too much blood through falls or opponent attacks, you will become unconscious. In addition to the cryptobiots that you can eat, the blood bags are helpful here, which you can surround you.
Since later the ammunition of some weapons is based on your blood, the bags will make life easier in multiple terms. But it ensures that you grab the blood bags into the storage bag to save space and do not wear them individually as a package on their backs.
11 . Collects chiral crystals whenever possible!
In most games, it s a good idea to collect crafting materials if you have the opportunity. Chiral crystals, however, not only serve as a building material for larger constructions, but also as a fuel for the load passport, of which you always have a there.
12 . Yes, there is a quick travel function, but does not wait for it!
With all the ways that it is to be returned in Death Stranding, the question quickly depends on whether it will be possible later to take shortcuts with a quick trip. The function that is introduced after a few days of play will not help you with your deliveries.
The fast trip only sends you yourself, but never the freight you carry with you. If you want to return to an earlier region, it can be useful, otherwise you always depend on classical movement.
13 . Look for hidden prepper bunkers for special rewards!
As a rule, Death Stranding will send you in the story of the story to all places that will discover it in the game world. But a look at the map can reveal that part of the game world is not yet part of the chiral network. This means that here is a preap bunker to find that you have not yet connected.
Searches this map sections until you find the bunker and do a few secondary missions until the preap is willing to join the UCA or the network. Mostly there are special rewards in the form of unique objects or equipment.
14 . High stalls for mailing ladders are worthwhile!
So that a city or a bunker connects the UCA, usually a confidence rating of two stars is enough. But if you are drain from the story process and further deliveries can be reached, you can reach up to five stars and that can be worthwhile.
In addition to new opportunities for individualization of Sam, new crafting recipes can also jump out, which will turn out to be useful in the further gameplay.
15 . You could improve your relationship with BB!
Sam gets a bridge baby at the start of the game, which helps you to discover the actually invisible GDS. What Death Stranding barely explained is that you can connect with Demm BB and improve them - similar to the mail-orders and preap.
But you just have to do what s like the baby. If your GDS defeats, interacted with BB or makes fun grays in front of the sink in Sam s private room, the positive effect on the star rating. The better you understand with BB, the longer it takes until BB on autotoxemia ills and can not be used anymore.
16 . Yes, Mule scanner always find you - but it gets better!
If you are on the way in the first class hours in mule areas, the feeling that it is impossible to hide from the opponents. Finally, the scanner always expresses a purposeful, even if you hide well. That s very normal.
In the later game of the game you will get the opportunity to do about it, with a targeted pressure on your own scanner button you can then negate the enemy scan.
17 . Always take a suitcase to strike!
If you are gazed in a deal with Mules, often only the fist campaign remains as an option. Usually it needs a number of hits to permanently turn off an opponent - but that can also be abbreviated.
If you wear a suitcase in your hand and suggest, the opponent is guaranteed unconscious. However, the freight concerned also causes properly damage. Fortunately, there is enough stirring in Death Stranding, which can be removed.
18 . The Bola-Gun does not capture the Mules forever!
As soon as you get the Bola-Gun, the first proper firearm in the game, the handling of the Mules will change abruptly. Who aims right, can meet his opponents with an electrified fetter and turn them off. However, not for a long time.
After a liberation struggle, the mules can dissolve from the bonds and stand up again. So if you want to free the entire area of opponents, you can not rely on the Bola-Gun alone. But you can go to every bound opponent and make him unconscious with a targeted kick.
When and how you come to the weapon and other vehicles, you read here:
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more on the subject
Death Stranding - When do I get the first vehicles and weapons?
19 . You can easily flee before GD-Bossen!
If you let you get from the GDS, the game is not the same. Instead, you will be kidnapped in a nearby area, where suddenly a fight against a GD boss starts. Depending on how you are equipped, such a fight can take a long time. Luckily, escape is a legitimate option.
For this you only have to reach the edge of the circular oil arena, then we ended the fight namely and the GDS from the area completely disappear. However, you can then do not quit chiral crystals as a reward.
20 . You can rotate the 3D card!
In Death Stranding, it is not only important to know how to get from A to B, but also which obstacles await you on the way. Just differences in height can be done quickly from a simple route a tour de force - unfortunately the normal view of the card is only conditionally helpful.
But if you hold down the touchpad when the card called and then moves the controller, you can turn the card and making the topography much better visible. So you recognize in advance how mountainally a region is actually. Some abbreviation can then save you.
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